Access to the bay provides opportunities for recreation and education, and these experiences help build a sense of community pride, stewardship, and ownership of Biscayne Bay. All people, regardless of their economic or social circumstances, must have safe access and opportunities for responsible use of the bay. Thus, public lands along the shoreline, including marinas, should provide opportunity for public access.
Access, however, must not be allowed to impact the bay’s natural resources or characteristics negatively, or reduce the value of the bay user experience. As more people use the bay, it may become necessary to increase educational efforts and provide additional protection to sites of high environmental value through limits on types of use, timing, or number of users, as well as improved enforcement to ensure compliance.
• Sections of the Biscayne Bay and Miami River shore-line that are currently planned for intense development should be transformed into space for activities that are water-dependent or water-related with green space that enhances habitat and public access.
• Public lands, causeways, and public parks abutting Biscayne Bay should provide opportunity for public recreational and educational experiences, and should provide all people with safe access and opportunities for responsible use of the bay. Public access must be consistent with the need to protect the bay. In addi-tion, infrastructure should be restored to accommodate changing needs.